The Club Action Planning Scheme or CAPS is aligned to the Sport England Clubmark accreditation scheme which is the only national cross sports quality accreditation scheme for clubs with junior sections. It is built around a set of core criteria which ensure that accredited clubs operate to a set of consistent, accepted and adopted operating standards.
Clubs achieving this accreditation are recognised nationally as having a well run club which is active and accessible, delivering a quality netball programme and operating in line with best practice. This means getting the best out of young people and giving everyone a sporting chance. CAPS has three levels of accreditation; Bronze, Silver and Gold.
SAS Netball Club has achieved SilverĀ CAPS. This means that SAS Netball Club is proficient in a wide range of areas such as:
- Safeguarding and protecting children and young people
- Demonstrating further quality across the areas of coaching, umpiring and volunteer development
- Developing links with schools in the community
- Offering officiating training opportunities to the young people in the club
- Adopting good practice with regards to duty of care and sports equity
We will eventually be working towards Gold accreditation!